Take a Clean Break & start building a life beyond limits

Running, mindset & alcohol-free coaching programs, adventures & lifestyle changes.

Clean Break. A philosophy.

Clean Break is dedicated to enhancing your life by focusing on mental clarity, physical fitness, and a balanced lifestyle. What started out as a non-alcoholic beer has evolved into so much more.

If I could go back in time and give Rich of 20 years ago one piece of advice, it’d be this:

‘You do not need to have a problem to wish for better outcomes in life.’

Everyone is capable of so much more than they realise. But the only way to fully understand this is to pour everything you have into accessing your heroic potential.

What often starts as a challenge that can seem completely insurmountable opens up to immense joy and gratitude; you simply cannot believe what you are doing and how much you love the experience.

You build your wall brick-by-brick.

And, slowly but surely, it becomes easier.

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To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities."

Bruce Lee

If you’ve ever rolled your eyes at sober folks and runners who talk of little else, this is their secret. Both require resilience, patience, commitment, and courage; once the first few hard laps are completed, both bring a giddy feeling of unstoppableness. A feeling of being superhuman and a belief that anything is possible.

I want that for you.

This is why Clean Break brings together alcohol-free & mindset coaching, endurance training, once in a lifetime experiences, and the satisfying taste of a cold, alcohol-free beer at the end of a fulfilling day.

Running enhances sobriety by providing stress relief, a healthy routine, physical and mental wellbeing, supportive social connections, and a focus on self-improvement, all of which are essential for maintaining an alcohol-free lifestyle.

When you take a clean break, you replace one action for another and completely transform your life.

Our mission at Clean Break is to make the life-changing benefits of running and taking a break from alcohol accessible and enjoyable.

We help you break through limiting beliefs and achieve meaningful goals; using running as a path to physical & mental well-being, we’ll guide you in rethinking your relationship with alcohol.

This approach both builds resilience and makes living alcohol-free a positive and conscious choice.

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