Top 10 Boxing Day recycling ideas

Christmas tends to be a time where we over buy everything from food to gifts, but it doesn’t have to go to waste. Boxing Day is the perfect time to start work on your sustainability and carbon footprint.

Here’s our top 10 ideas on to to recycle, re-use and revitalise your waste this Christmas.

Left-over food recipes

We’re sure most of you would have made a classic left over Turkey and cranberry sandwich, but why not try something a little more adventurous such as ‘Christmas Pudding Crumble’ or even ‘Brussels Sprout Slaw’?

Check out the BBC goodfood website for inspiration:

Clean Break pen holder

Show allegiance to your favourite drink by immortalising a can as your penholder. Here I have shown how to turn a drinks can into a simple pen holder using some simple tools. 

Simply cut off using a can cutter, wash out and file the edges – now you have a trendy penholder!

Wine cork

Learn how to make a reindeer with wine corks! This Christmas craft is easy, quick, and super cute. Making reindeers out of cork is also a good way to upcycle old wine corks and use twigs from nature walks too.

If you do not drink wine, you can also buy corks for crafting from Amazon.

Let your pets
have some fun!

Before you go breaking all your boxes down for recycling, why not re-gift them to your dogs, cats, hamsters so they can have a rummage around and make themselves comfy.

 We all know that empty packaging is comfier than their proper beds!

Re-used Christmas cards

Did you know Christmas cards  can’t be recycled  if they have glitter or foil on them? So why not create something useful with them instead? You could frame them to create Christmas prints, cut them down and add string to create gift tags or make new Christmas decorations like bunting.

Beer can

Who said you had to use only flora and fauna for wreath making? Once you have your base, you can add anything on – toys, Christmas decorations, even crushed down beer cans!

This is totally my favourite Christmas decoration this year, all you need is a styrofoam wreath and a whoooole lot of hot glue! have fun!

Wrapping paper bows

Similar to Christmas cards, certain wrapping paper can’t be recycled if it is laminated or has glitter/foil on it.

If it’s not been ripped open by the excited recipient, can it be used again next year? If not, you could make bows for next years gifts, make festive bunting or even Christmas decorations!

Clean Break

Elevate the beer can into a piece of chic household decor with this DIY candle tutorial. 

If you’re feeling crafty, you may want to give this a go yourself using your empty Clean Break cans, but if not, just visit and they’ll be able to help!

Beer can flower vase

Not only is this project a great way to repurpose items that could go to waste, but it’s also a fun way to add a pop of color to your home.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s grab some beer cans and get crafting!

Charity toy donations

Your generosity can brighten the holidays for children who may be facing challenges or difficult circumstances. Whether it’s a cuddly teddy bear, a playful board game, or an action-packed superhero figurine, your contribution can create magical moments that last a lifetime.

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